Alison and Clare - what we believe in and why.

As friends of over 15 years we have always shared passions for the same things; our families, friends and nature. The simplest of times over a cup of tea, walk or picnic. As we've watched our children grow we have been drawn more and more to nature and a passion to ensure it's eco-system looks after all for the future.

The flowers we once knew seemed to have now lost their scent and beauty...maybe it is the drive to have roses and lilies in winter. Everything seemed the real flowers from our British soil. For us it was time to wake up and smell the roses ...just the ones in season!

So Stile and blooms was born with an ultimate aim to bring British seasonal flowers back to everyone who wants to share a love of nature with a passion for flowers.

We would love you to be part of our journey in reducing the carbon footprint of flowers and buying local and homegrown.

For us this is sustainability stem by stem!

At Stile and Blooms, our ethos lies in growing local seasonal blooms.

It's staggering to know that 90% of flowers purchased in Britain are imported from the Netherlands and increasingly from countries as far away as Kenya. The high level of energy that is needed to grow flowers out of season in hothouses and also to fly them to the UK has a significant environmental impact.

When you choose a bunch of British-grown flowers its only 10% of the carbon emissions compared to those of the Dutch and Kenyan flower growers. Supporting a local flower farmer such as us at Stile and Blooms goes even further; contributing a mere 5% to the carbon footprint. 

It was not only our love of flowers but also our desire to reduce our carbon footprint of the flower industry that led us to grow our flower farm. 

We take pride in our affiliation with Flowers From the Farm, an esteemed non-profit organisation dedicated to championing artisan growers of seasonal, scented, and locally grown cut flowers. 

Please join us on our journey towards a more sustainable floral industry sharing beautiful  British flowers that are grown with environmental responsibility.


Our Farm

Our Flower Farm, nestles in the picturesque landscapes of Derbyshire located in Denby at the heart of the county. Currently 1/2 acre of a 2 acre plot is given over to the growing of flowers and foliage.

Our flowers are grown organically without harmful pesticides and fertilizers. We only use peat free compost or manure on the beds using the ‘no dig’ method to ensure that the soil is minimally disturbed. This is all to provide a vital diverse ecosystem and support the wildlife on the farm.

We endeavor to reduce waste and the use of single use plastic. We reuse and recycle wherever possible and to minimise waste as much as we can. Any compostable waste is put to good use into our designated compost bins to use in the cycle of life (ready for next year's beds). Any flowers at their peak we sell fresh and we also harvest to dry for a year round supply of stunning British blooms.

When the farm isn't in full flourish, we support our fellow British growers by conscientiously sourcing flowers from other sustainable British growers, wherever possible. Therefore ensuring a continued supply of fresh, beautiful flowers for you to enjoy.

We hope you'll join us in reducing the environmental impact of the current flower industry by buying British seasonal and local to reduce the carbon footprint stem by stem.

Nature and the environment matters to us so we are immensely proud to be part of a nationwide scheme to monitor butterflies - transecting weekly.

This is just the beginning of how we are using the farm, land, seasons and soil to bring wildlife into the area.

Our owl and bat boxes have been far they are still to let, but hoping for new feathered tenants swoon!